Walking Nativity
In what is becoming an annual event, Churches Together of
Cowbridge and District staged a magical evening
on 11 December 2015, bringing to life the story of the Nativity. Around 180 people, both young and old, gathered in the Story area by the library to hear how Mary and Joseph were anxiously looking for a room, as we watched them walking down the steps from the town wall into Bethlehem.
We sang carols to the accompaniment of a splendid band and followed the action to see shepherds watching their flocks by night when, suddenly, there appeared before them an angel, telling them the great news of a newborn king. 
The action took us to Herod's palace and the arrival of the three wise men (staged in the Physic Garden), and then finished with the birth of Jesus in the stable.

It was a moving experience that put everyone in festive spirits to celebrate the joys of Christmas, while sharing in mulled wine, mince pies, and a wonderful convivial atmosphere.
An event not to be missed next Advent!